2024 saw the release of some films with truly beautiful production design. From the tulip fields of Wicked to the haunting castle of Nosferatu, here are my top five picks of the year (in no particular order).
2024 saw the release of some films with truly beautiful production design. From the tulip fields of Wicked to the haunting castle of Nosferatu, here are my top five picks of the year (in no particular order).
I’ve already listed my favourite films from the year but I also wanted to take the time to highlight some of the best Production Design to come out of 2023 – of the films I’ve seen so far, of course. So here are 5 of my favourites…
Here is, what currently stands as, my favourite film of 2023. I’m pretty indecisive about the ordering here but it is worth noting that I am basing this on my personal enjoyment of the films. Also please bear in mind I still have lots on my watch list.
As our (non-existent) summer has come to an end and the air is growing colder, here is a list of films to welcome in the cosiest season of all, autumn! These are my go-to’s before diving into horror and Halloween movies.
I recently did my first-ever art fair selling both my own art and the products that Harriet and I have created for our small business Memory Holmes. The preparation for this ended up being pretty frantic, designing and printing labels, creating price lists, making makeshift business cards, packaging, and just general planning. I have learnt a lot from the experience and I would like to pass on some tips to anyone else preparing for an art fair (or similar event).
My absolute favourite things to paint are these watercolour building portraits. I think buildings, homes and architecture hold so much beauty and memories that often go unnoticed. So, I love to capture and highlight those. Here is everything I use to paint them.
Tim Burtons is a filmmaker with a very distinctive style. There are design elements and themes that are found across his whole portfolio of work. With Alice in Wonderland, it’s particularly interesting to see how he transforms such a well-known and iconic story into something of his own.
I’ve compiled a list of things for artists (or people who just want to see beautiful things) to do on a weekend in Paris. Trust me, there’s so much to choose from.
My set design of choice this week is the music video for Olivia Rodrigo’s latest single ‘Vampire’. Directed by Patra Collins and production designed by Nicholas des Jardins.
This month has been a quieter one for me, unlike my June it hasn’t been filled with concerts and London trips. It has however given me more time to work on my businesses and plan my next steps. Getting organised being the big theme of the month.